Screw that.
I realize that games like League and TFT have a mostly-fullscreen nature to them. But you can still click on your windows bar to tab out easily without pressing alt-tab. You can see your clock, cpu, messages you are receiving, the status of everything else. You get the idea, you probably know what I am talking about.
The difference between mostly-fullscreen (which I'm not really fond of but live with as being necessary), and fully-fullscreen.
Fully fullscreen might be preferable to some.
But for me?
That's the best way to turn me from interested in the game, enthusiastic about it, thinking it'll be fun...
...To staying away from it until such an option is implemented--and if it never is? Indefinitely staying away from it. (I've never liked mandatory fully fullscreen. I realize that most computer games in the era of CDs used to be that way--but in this digital day and age there's literally no freakin' excuse for it. Back then that's the way it was done, and it wasn't much of a problem because the only thing you would be doing on your computer would be playing that one game. But nowadays, your game is only one thing of many that you'd be doing.)
What a letdown.
It's a huge disappointment.
TFT and League both had the option, so I was expecting Legends of Runeterra to have it, too.
It does not.
So I won't play it.
Gives me more time to do other things though!
I've still got to play ten games for one quest in the TFT area, but I've gotten most of them done, and am one game from the final quest aside from the ten-games one. Almost every game went remarkably well. The one game which didn't was the max-shields comp that screwed me over by not giving me the T2s I needed, not giving me the malphite I needed, and not getting me the items I needed to deal damage. (Basically, no spear of shojin, no morello, so no aoe wipeout.)
But most of those games were Woodland/Druid games. I did aim for the coveted Woodland 6 each time but while in one or two of those games I did get 1-3 Luxes, they were the wrong element so I could never pull it off in its entirety. Did remarkably well in them though!
I also had a Warden 6 game that went tremendously well. (I might've lied above, there may have been a second game that didn't go well which was a warden game where I couldn't get damage, but it might've been the first half of this game which in spite of getting down to 12 health on a solid losestreak ended up with me almost winning the whole game, where there was a rock-paper-scissors situation; I could and did beat the person who finished first, but the person who finished second could beat me, and I had the misfortune of facing them; if they had been eliminated by the person who finished first, I would've beaten that person and finished first, but alas.)
I didn't get brambleback, but between a mountain-warmogs-redemption Zed shielded by Karma, a gunblade jeweled gauntlet Voli (sadly, both of them in spite of being theoretical carries...were T1), a mountain dragons warmogs Braum, T2 Malphite Ornn and Nautilus, T1 Thresh, having a T2 Nami (if not purchased, then in my shop needing to have survived one round for it), Leona...
Basically, I had Lunar 2 Mystic 2 Ocean 2 Warden 6 Electric 3 Glacial I missing anything? I had a TON of synergies that game and I went from basically nothing and losing to hardcore stomping everyone...
...Except for the person with a T2 Veigar when literally half of my units (I had ten, and five of them) were T1 (thus, instantly deleted).
Bit disappointing that I could beat everyone including the person who finished first, except for the person who finished second due to the T2 Veigar, especially knowing I could and did beat the person who beat that T2 Veigar. (Because if the order was reversed, then I'd have won won.)
But oh well.
Remarkably good games.
Still need to grind, but I'm not doing that grinding right now.
In the Civ 3 realm, I finished the civilopedia part and am now working on the game files notepad file for them.
Soyeah, that's my update.
Back to work!