There is a rather unfortunate buff to Lux, since she is very much a champion I don't think needs the buff considering how much she wrecks me already, but that's about it. Aphelios received some nerfs but he's still stupidly strong. Until I feel like he's weak enough that literally nobody wants to play him, he'll still be my ban every single game.
The main changes were to TFT, where glacial got a rework, which makes AP Volibear, one of my two favorite comps (the other being AP Neeko), even stronger.
Like, from just his synergies alone, Volibear can deal 850 damage per attack to a single target--plus his own natural attack damage on top of that, with 500 of that damage going to other targets as well, with his target stunned, with his ult instantly killing, and the chance with the right setup to increase crit chance, have his spell crit, and have him heal.
Gunblade, I believe, works off of the electric synergy--by which, I mean, even when he is receiving damage, if the enemy is critting him, he'll heal for the amount of damage dealt from the crit.
And there's multiple backup carries if you can't get the ideal triple-item combo on him (gunblade, jeweled gauntlet, and then something like infinity edge or deathcap or something of the sort). Ezreal with a Seraph's is stupidly strong. Olaf with rageblade and bloodthirster is stupidly strong. Zed with spear of shojin, redemption, and warmogs (as an example; the key item is spear of shojin with a second healing item), is stupidly strong.
The comp is, currently, ideally along the lines of:
Volibear, Ornn, Leona, Karma, Ezreal, Olaf, one of Warwick/Braum or both if you have a chance at getting a frozen mallet (to get glacial 6), Zed-or-Electric Lux. (You could also nix one of Warwick/Braum if you have a glacial Lux for Glacial 6 with no frozen mallet. Voli, Ez, Olaf, Lux, as five, so Warwick/Braum as the sixth.)
The main frustration:
While I invented it.
Other people seem to know it is stupidly strong.
And are running Ornn and/or Volibear even if they aren't using any other units from the comp.
I'm seeing people with Woodland/Druid comps that have ZERO synergies even remotely interacting with these.
No glacial, no beserker, no electric.
Running Volibear/Ornn.
Seemingly for no apparent reason other than to try and freakin' deny me my comp. (Which would be my assumption if they had those units on their bench--but no. They FIELDED T2 Volibears and Ornns, in spite of not having wardens, glacials, beserkers, or electrics.)
It is so incredibly frustrating to know that you basically invented a ridiculously strong comp.
That you ran it before literally anyone else did.
And that now that Riot keeps buffing it over and over and over again, more and more people are trying to run it.
It's also really really frustrating to start with a Volibear and then never get a T2 Volibear because literally four other people are building him--with only half of them building Glacial and/or Beserker comps.
Which, mind you, is still a pet peeve. People who didn't start with a Beserker unit and didn't start with Braum. Pivoting onto the comp that they KNEW I was running. For no apparent reason other than knowing the comp is strong, they can compete with me for it, and that they think they can out-Volibear the person who started with Volibear.
Tilting as can be, they were often right, but I did finally, finally get a game where I got the last laugh--I did have at least one or two people try to steal my comp, but they got eliminated before me because they tried to steal my comp from me while my comp was already online so they were running less-good versions of my comp and because their version was inferior, they lost as a direct consequence of their attempted steal.
Granted, I couldn't quite pull off a win, was one round short of getting my spear of shojin Zed fielded, but it was still second place finish with a ridiculously strong comp. (A t3 Ornn who was both a beserker AND glacial in a glacial 6 comp, T2 Olaf with a bloodthirster, T3 Ezreal with a Seraph's, my Volibear had his gunblade and jeweled gauntlet and was T2, so that was glacial 6 beserker 3 with every beserker being a glacial and two of them being electric, lunar 2, warden 2.)
Feels good to get that win in spite of the thieves.