And write things down, and tomorrow take a shower, and get to Plat in tft, and grind in FFVII and...
My intended solution did very little to help me there looking at my vod from my stream tonight since my voice is just as hard to make out as always.
Just like I need better notekeeping and better blogging. I now have four sheets of paper worth of notes that I need to write down and document better. But as I am absolutely fatigued, I cannot do that tonight, it'll need to be a "tomorrow if I don't procrastinate" thing. And a like a timelord, I'm about to enter into a portal into the future, thus the title. The moment I leave this computer for work, I will magically enter into a realm where the next time I have access to the internet freely is Thursday afternoon/evening. Magical, time travel! Which I don't really want to, but I have no choice.
Because it's actually just work. (Closing Wednesday shift into opening Thursday shift.) The new TFT set just dropped so I want to play a ton of TFT. (I am already disappointed that I played as little as I did.)
I still want to play more Final Fantasy VII. I still want to work on my civ 3 mod. I came up with an idea for my streaming starting screen which I need to draw. So much to do, so little time. (Depression not helping either.) Yeah I'm depressed.
Suddenly everything about me right now makes a lot more sense... Yes I do have blogs to make.
Multiple. But I'm genuinely thinking of going to bed in spite of it being quite early for me to do so. Just, am weirdly extra tired. Too busy right now, tomorrow's gonna be booked as well. Got a lot to do, not much time.
I will say though that both League and FF VII are going well tho. Had a very good stream but it's 7:30 am, I need bedz. I suck as a streamer still but I still am trying every stream to be a little bit better. With luck, I can continue things.
I mean, obviously not in doing anything. I had work into bed into work again. But in brainstorming, it was incredibly productive. I managed to come up with so so much, including multiple blogs worth of content.
A new video game idea; A new combat game idea; A revelation about myself; A question I posed about something sciencey which made me think of my original story; Maybe a bit about my brother. Some of these might be twitter-worthy, but a lot of them are better for the blog. I'll admit to having some analysis paralysis tho in that I have all these options so I don't know which to actually blog about first (which might mean none of them). Gonna take a break and then maybe make a second blog for today if I am lucky. I started the cleanup of my room, and there was visible, notable, progress done. But it being my room, this could take a long long time to actually complete given just how. much. stuff. Is in my room.
I did some, but not all, of the mafia stuff that I need to do. I might brush my teeth, but probably not going to do the full process. (Brush, special toothpaste, floss; when I say 'might brush', I mean the first without the other two.) I maybe progressed in the league quest, but will need to check that on Thursday. I think I sent two tweets today, too. But: I've yet to try out my new purse. I didn't do all the mafia stuff. I'm probably not going to do the full hygienic process. I haven't done the grind necessary for the league quest. I haven't made tiktoks or uploaded to my youtube. I haven't done the networking of my socials. And I'm running out of time to watch some vods that I am in desperate need of watching--one vod in particular will not have a reupload done so I cannot afford to miss it and yet I've not watched so much as a single minute of it. So. I've got a lot I need to get on top of. Also I've not done a walk for a mile this week yet. (I should really be doing it daily but I'll settle for weekly for now. I'm not even at weekly right now.) That said, there is some unambiguous good to be had: It's very very subtle, but I have definite breast growth! It's only really visible on my left breast (on the right you can kinda sorta maybe see it but not as obviously), and only visible when my arms are at a certain angle, but it's there and that's promising! I was expecting it to take at least a month if not two for me to have visible results, and yet, here I am, less than two weeks in, and I've got something! Not much, but something! |
rBree2AKA: Archives
February 2025