To be honest. It kinda feels like that's the sort of stuff which should be on my blog, but is currently not on my blog. But mainly, it's because the things that I am recording are specific to the things that I am recording. For instance, if I do work on mafia stuff, that is stuff that isn't really personal. Well. It is. It's me as a person. And probably worthless to people other than me. But it's also. Personal yet specific. Rather than what my blog is, which is more or less...personal yet generic.
Not sure if that quite makes sense. But basically, I've been working hard on getting a more professional image in all aspects of my life. Even the ones which are for fun. I imagine that when I gather up the courage (or stupidity) to tackle actively making a webcomic again, I'll similarly be presenting a united front.
At least, that's the idea. I mean. The art I've been making (sporadic as it has been) has been pretty dang awesome and been reasonably high in quality. I'm reasonably good at looking things up and figuring out what needs to be done. The few times I'm not able to, well. I have literally half a dozen people who have offered to help me. Even if most of them aren't around anymore (and I imagine most of them would still be around! At least, that's the hope), it'd only take one to get me going.
Worst case scenario, instead of asking how to do it I just ask someone else to do it though even there I don't see that as something too drastic. Butyeah. I'm basically...kinda in the zone where I want people to see what I've done. I want people to see my accomplishments. Yet I feel like this blog is a very poor place for me to do so. It can be done. To some extent. Yet it's also best handled elsewhere.
I just think that I am at my strongest when I am reasonably interconnected, with every point having a purpose. And that means not dumping everything into one spot. That means having it spread out. So while this blog has been from the start, "literally anything could be posted", it has also been "literally everything won't be posted". Just. Most things, if that makes sense.
Soyeah. I've been doing a lot, just. Not much on this blog. I admittedly should be doing more here. But I am in fact doing stuff, and it is stuff I think is good.