But just before I did it, I ultimately pivoted off of doing it for some reason, and then by the time I revisited it...I just couldn't put my heart into it.
So today has been a wash pretty much.
There's small stuff.
On one of my supervillain stories I added codenames to characters that were lacking them before!
I browsed mods for games in my steam library! (Surprisingly very few games have a workshop.)
I did play a single game of League where I was autofilled to jungle and the toplaner offered to swap, so I got a (fairly bad) kinda sorta test-run of the Tristana build I was trying to run. (Literally every lane lost so the loss wasn't on me entirely, but in my inexperience in playing toplane I didn't know what to ban and Darius with Ghost+Stridebreaker is an issue when your jungler doesn't help you out. There were like two, three times where if my jungler helped me out the Darius would have died and we could've generated a lead, and at least two of the times my jungler had the time to do so, they just...didn't. In spite of that I got 4/5 tower plates and was dealing really good damage and had insane waveclear and was surprisingly tanky, it's just that while I was tanky, literally all five of their champions were fed enough to be able to shred a tank, and again, even though I was getting the enemies down to critical health levels my team couldn't get lethal after I died because I in spite of being the toplaner was a main damage source for us due to how far behind literally all the rest of my team was.)
Conclusion: if I had a better matchup and a better team, might be viable, needs further testing.
But mostly, it was Stardew Valley and then when not playing it...a void of nothingness.