Well, here I am today instead.
Don't really have much coherent to say though.
Today was largely, combined with yesterday, a "catchup day", for internet stuff.
I also decided to re-tackle the scenario idea of Across the Ages. The hardest part will indeed be making the map, but I feel like I may have developed a technique that'll make it easier. All in due time, though; right now, I'm mostly going through and cataloging in the editor the exact effects of buildings, units, and techs, with the details behind civs queued up on the list as well.
It's...rather time-consuming. It took me two, three hours (something in that range) for just the buildings and units of Mesopotamia. (Admittedly though, that's because there's a freakin' weird interface glitch; there are files that are messed up that shouldn't be messed up. As in, copying the original scenario that is in the game and I know for a fact works because I did a quick test of trying the original scenario out in the game, and pasting said scenario, produces some...rather annoying things.)
The hardest thing to do will be the map, sure, but it'll also be only the smallest of small amounts of the total work load.
Right now comes mostly the rather comprehensive documentation steps.
Once I have everything documented, I can then crossreference this with actual logs from the game, so I have a correlation between them. And add in the notepad files, and...
...Well, aside from the painstaking effort of the map building (and figuring out how to place civilization starting markers...and figuring out how to place pre-existing cities...and figuring out how to set said cities' culture values...and figuring out how to set said cities' starting improvements, which I all associate as being part of said map building), it's a lot of work, but all very much doable.
I just need to do it in moderation, slowly, over time.
Because I am in fact exhausted.