This blog was designed to be daily.
I ran the blog daily, sometimes more than once daily, for...well it started slipping some time in 2021 so like...6-6.5 years?
What the hell happened to me where what I did without fail religiously for 6, maybe six and a half, years, suddenly became something I'm lucky to not slip up on?
I kinda suck.
That said.
At least I've been fairly productive.
I literally did a ten hour stream yesterday.
TEN hour stream!
Granted. Quality wasn't high at the start and tanked after my family got up.
But ten hours of streaming is like...a lot.
Granted, it's not without consequences.
For our Thanksgiving celebration today, I ended up getting only ~3 hours of sleep, and not the highest of quality sleep because I slept in the room everyone was talking in, with all the noises of phone calls, cleaning, etc.
While tiredness isn't an issue for me, potential sickness is.
I made a bit of a miscalculation when I streamed that long:
I thought that the main issue with me not getting a good night's sleep would be things like,
Throwing off my sleep schedule;
Making me dead tired;
Making me exhausted;
Messing with my circadian rhythm;
Things like that, where I would struggle with lucidity, but otherwise be fine and recover quickly.
Turns out that I forgot the most important thing sleep is for:
Keeping you from getting sick.
I didn't get zero sleep, so I might not get sick, but I need to be really careful.
It doesn't matter how little contact I've had with things that could make me sick; if I don't get the bare minimum amount of sleep my body needs, it can succumb to illnesses that it by all rights should have great ease in repelling just by virtue of the body needing sleep to combat sickness.
So, uhhhh...oops?
I am many things; smart is not among them.
That's also a contributing factor to me being unable to stream tonight.
I also have labwork tomorrow, at a scheduled time.
Which means that I have to get up at a certain time--earlier, if I want a shower, too!
I might've been able to stream if it was just one of these two, but added up, probably both smarter and safer not to, both for my body's health and for safety tomorrow.
Is unfortunate, but hey, we all make mistakes sometimes and must live with the consequences of them--in my case, being that I need to take extra self-care steps tonight to prevent issues down the line.
Sometimes, being responsible sucks.