Today among them. I heard a staticky song on the radio, and I thought for a split second, "huh, I thought this was two separate songs, but I guess I could have been mistaken, I don't really know this song/artist that well other than knowing it's a really famous song/artist in the rock world with every part of the song being well-known so I can buy these two parts that are well-known being from the same song, because the only time Rock 98.9 does doubles is on weekends or holidays and today is a weekday".
Then I passed by the Pilchuck River bridge--basically an unofficial park. It was loaded with the most cars I've ever seen there, in spite of today not being particularly hot/sunny, but I wrote it off as being essentially end-of-summer traffic, or something like that.
Then, AC/DC played on the radio...and a second AC/DC song (very unambiguously so in that I 100% absolutely knew both were AC/DC songs) began to play. And the confusion set in. "They don't play doubles except on weekends and holid--oh, today's a holiday isn't i...*dawning realization*...oh. Ohhh..."
This would be why we had family night on Sunday rather than Friday, I'd assume. But that second realization immediately after the first? That's the real idiot moment. Not realizing today was a holiday was bad enough, but the second failure is the implication thereof. On every holiday, there's no counseling, meaning my appointment isn't until next week.
As early as last night, I've been preparing for an appointment which isn't until next week.
Thus, the facepalm-worthy moment where, unambiguously, I was an idiot.
Ah well. Nobody home except my sister to realize it, and she was gone at the time so she'll not even know. It'll be our little secret on this blog. (Which is theoretically public, but not like anyone in my real life reads it since I would basically instantly know.)
Speaking of which, my parents have left for Oregon already. I was under the impression my sister would be going with them, but apparently not; she's leaving with the rest of the siblings, so that makes things much easier on me. The funeral is on Friday, so we leave on Thursday and start the journey back home on Saturday. (I don't expect I'll be able to post during that time anywhere since I'm not sure we even have dial-up there and while I can use data I'm not sure there's even cell service there.) I have work Sunday, so I'll be dark for a while.
Soyeah, that's an update on me. I'll let you know about any further developments.