In this case, it's finally, finally, finally starting a very, very, very long-overdue reading of Worms.
Seriously, that series is literally everywhere on TVTropes, so with me being a hopeless trope addict, I've heard about it for literally years in rather extensive detail. (Mind you, I'm not even getting to the good parts; this feels like I'm less than half-way through the first episode of an anime in spite of being at 2-7 as of me writing this blog entry.)
When I first heard about it, I think I didn't think it was just text, that it was some sort of thing that was more than that. Then I think I thought it wasn't available online--and when I did learn that it was in fact fully online (at least I think?), some stupid reasons stopped me from reading it. Probably something to do with it being long, and in fact it being all text, when most of what I read is webcomics.
Mind you, back in the day I did read the entirety of Sailor Nothing...multiple times (I really really liked that story)...but it's not something I got in the habit of consistently doing.
And I know the series is long--incredibly long. I know it's got a lot of depth to it, that I'm barely scratching the surface, that even reading pages of it per day I'm not finishing for a long, long time. But I genuinely think that this is something worth reading. I thought it years ago and that desire has only grown with time, until now when it overflew.
I have always loved stories about superheroes (red hood rider might be a tipoff to that). I have always loved stories about villain protagonists (the descended might be a tipoff to that). And Worms combines both in just about the most bestest way possible. There's no other words to describe it.
I'm obviously not fully spoiled even though I am immensely spoiled (TVTropes reading will do that to you, telling you a bunch about the big stuff but leaving lots of the little stuff unsaid, combined with time making me forget things I didn't care to remember)--but I am just knowledgeable enough to know that even with it being as good as it is's only going to get better.
And that says something. I know it gets better, than what is already amazing quality content.
Can anyone blame me?
...Well yes. They can, for not starting sooner.
But can anyone blame me for starting?
I honestly don't think so!