On the other hand: the deadline for my pre-course homework is in less than two days, I still have yet to start one and one is not yet finished albeit close to and I haven't confirmed the time/location and printed out directions and gotten an address for the GPS and so on and so forth.
Exemplified by the fact that to drive safely, I'll need to get a good night's sleep on Thursday, which means I effectively have 1.5 days left to do all of that, double-check that I'm bringing everything that I need, and such.
So while there is a lot of good going on in my life, I am exhausted and yet running out of time.
The choice to get sleep instead of finish work is not working out; I'm still sleep-deprived right now. So I made the wrong call and progress is slow-going because in my exhausted state, it's hard to do the work I need to.
This is genuinely a case of hindsight tho. I knew procrastinating would be an issue; I swore that I'd start at the beginning of February, but ended up starting only about a week into February, and not doing enough quickly enough at that. Instead of almost two weeks, I've had less than one, and every time I chose sleep over work, in spite of it seeming like the right choice at the time, it's more and more proving to have not been.
Crunch time, I guess.