The line between yesterday and today is a little bit blurry, since I did in fact pull an all-nighter. A significant portion of said night was spent trying to troubleshoot problems on my computer with one of my girlfriends. (I owe them both time when I return, which will be hell to schedule. I'll have mafia, I'll have game stuff, I'll have work on Sunday, so I'll be juggling at minimum five different things. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it though in that I will see what their schedules are and see if we can set dates up. Preferably in the plural. <3)
Other than trouble-shooting problems on my computer, let's see...well, today began with my main contact line with one of my girlfriends (the same one I was doing tech support with) malfunctioning, cutting me off from them prematurely. (Which sucked since I didn't get to say goodbye to either of my girlfriends. I wanted to, but I was so busy trying to fix the problem and also trying to rush out the door that I didn't get the opportunity to do so directly. I hope that all of my texts went through at the very least. Not ideal, but better than nothing.)
It also began with me reading my blog entry from yesterday and compiling my stuff. I did so, but I was a little scatterbrained. This actually caused me to be the reason we left as late as we did, at 8 rather than 7:45. (Normally I'm the first ready.) Ah well.
We drove part of the way, then we realized we forgot something our dad had specifically asked us to bring (a gun or two, out of concern for potential looters reading the obituary I think? Something along those lines), so had to retrieve it. This meant we ended up being half an hour late to arrive at my brother's place, 9 instead of 8:30.
From there, it was basically smooth sailing. We took the western route (less smoke and less travel time), stopping at our usual gas station and that was our only stop the entire trip.
There, I had for the first time in my life Carl's Jr. Specifically, I had the...what was it called...something Western Double Baconburger. It was absolutely DELICIOUS, and a good meal especially since (aside from coffee) I had been on an empty stomach prior to then. (I KNOW! BAD HABIT BUT I WAS PRESSED FOR TIME OKAY.)
There might be more but I can't recall anything really significant. I slept a fair amount of the way. It mighta been in-and-out of consciousness type sleeping, but it was enough. Total drive time ended up being basically 8 hours I think.
Since arriving here, well, I've got basically zilch in terms of cell service. I've sent texts to both my girlfriends. As of this entry I'm reasonably sure one girlfriend got the texts but the other girlfriend I'm not so sure about. I'll have to see what I can do tomorrow to get in contact with them. Isolation sucks. I don't want to not be here. (I actually want to be here.) But at the same time. I don't want to be cut off from the ones I love and I effectively am right now. I can vaguely kinda sorta maybe reach them but it's spotty, sketchy, and yeah. The usual unpleasantries.
I've unpacked my stuff, and am getting ready for bed. We did have food when we got here, bacon burgers, which were even better than the fast food joint's versions in my opinion. Additionally, we did our usual Cards games: a round of Hearts, and a round of Golf.
As per the usual, in Hearts I got second place, losing to the usual winner of my older sister. (My younger sister lost.) I did pull off a shoot-the-moon once to get there, which my older sister was not amused about.
In Golf, however: I never lost a single round. As in. Quite seriously, never once in our ten rounds was I last place. The problem was, I was rather consistently THIRD place, and fourth place was INconsistent. Meaning while I never once racked up the most points, I racked up enough points on a consistent basis (rather than inconsistent) that I got last. I wasn't even playing badly! I just had a lot of bad luck. Actually, I had a lot of good luck. Lots of times I had like two cards left to flip at endgame and they ended up as being aces or jacks or the like.
...Yet getting scores like 22 (when last is 27), 13 (when first is 8 and last is 17), and so on and so forth...means that basically. When I did well everyone else did well (so when I had good luck it didn't do me any good); when I did poorly someone else may have done worse, but it was a different someone else every single time. (There, my younger sister won by seven points. I lost third by a similarly narrow margin, but there was an insurmountable gap between third and second.)
Really, when you're dealt like a queen, a king, and a ten in a hand...and you consistently are drawing cards like a 7 or 8 or 9...and the person next to you before you is drawing like 5 or 6...and the person AFTER you is drawing a disproportionately high number of 2s, 3s, and aces...what can you do? I had very bad hands and I was given very bad methods of fixing them. My siblings were given okay hands and given good ways to fix bad hands for the most part. There's some skill involved, but Golf has a lot more luck to it than Hearts does.
Butyeah. That's the evening pretty much. There's probably more but I can't remember anything extra. Tomorrow's the funeral so expect another long entry!