I said more or less last time.
"Hey if these teams stay together as-is, then I will root for them in 2020".
Lose one player, maybe an iffy change--but still someone I can root for.
Lose two players, maybe a little hard; are they really the same team? That sort of change might be hyped up as for the better, but when a team is someone I want to root for a change of that many players is usually...not the best.
...Lose three or even four players from the team that I was rooting for.
And then if I was still rooting for them it'd be for their name.
Which I don't really feel like.
So uh.
Fresh slates everyone!
I've got nobody I'm really rooting for because almost nobody remained intact. (G2 did, but I only root for G2 internationally; locally unless they're playing against someone who I want to see lose--and I don't have any of those right now--I don't really care about them winning or losing. I know they'll do well. I just don't see what there is to root for other than hopefully them giving me good games. G2 I want to see good games for, but I don't care if they win locally.)
Mostly I'm just.
Blank slate, everyone is at neutral by and large. You want me to root for you, then make me root for you; you want me to want you to lose, earn my spite. It'll happen! Just give me some time to figure out where I want to see more of, essentially.
Watching the LEC rebroadcast now.
And by the way.
Other than the showcase match.
LCS Academy is utterly unwatchable.
What the hell were they thinking in having, what, four games simultaneously?
That just means instead of having five games that I am hyped to watch and see, I've got...one. Because the four concurrent ones just...you can't have two games of League playing at the same time. You just can't. You can have the same game playing from more than one perspective. But trying to switch between four different games is just...it. doesn't. work. It doesn't. It just doesn't.
So most academy games I just won't be watching because they're utterly unwatchable.
My interest in watching league, especially with the quest being broken, is kinda...low.
For the West.
Believe it or not.
I actually love watching the Chinese games.
I was watching a ton of them and finding myself engaged in them even though I only know a fraction of their players/teams. It was fun to watch and I did find myself cheering.
The West needs to shape up in terms of entertainment.