...Yes, willingly.
With no quests.
I undertook the ranked game section, deciding "screw it, I'll play my style" and running my build and...
It was actually really fun.
I did get some flame, but nothing along the lines of "report Ashe". (There were plenty of pings for my build and one person asking me once if I was trying to demote--something which should've been painfully obviously not the case given I've not played ten games and am sitting at Iron II anyway, but I digress. But nothing worse than that.)
It was just actually fun to play and mostly friendly.
Mind you, only won one of the games I played (albeit one of the losses being entirely one enemy champion, Darius, being able to, UNDER OUR TOWER, 1v5, get three kills, and destroy the turret, before we could kill him, due to how fed he was, since we could win any 4v4 without him yet any fight with him we'd lose), butstill.
It was fun in spite of the mostly-losses.
I played dismally overall in most games, mind you.
But nothing new there.