That's left me feeling content--and I even got a little bored. Watched the first seven episodes of the original Fate/Stay Night anime adoption (at least I think it's the original? It's the one with this wiki page for the episodes, so I just kinda assumed), since it was on my mind.
My older sister, brother, and I during our "anime night"s at one point watched all of Fate/Zero (although I'm watching the original in subs not dubs) quite a while ago--we're talking, years, plural, ago when Fate/Zero was a pretty new anime at least dubbed--and when that happened, I did a little bit of a wiki walk on immersing myself in random pieces of the lore.
Combined with the vast exposure of multiple (rather spoilerific) tropes about the series, and it was just something that I held interest about watching, even though at least one of said siblings did not. (Thus, why we never watched it as a group.) Of course.
I don't know much about it, believe it or not. I know the Fate/Zero stuff more or less (obv), I also believe I pretty much know about Archer, I might know one of the unrevealed Masters, I definitely know what happens to one of the Servants, I know a little about the Master for Berserker, but in actuality, for someone who is TVTropes-spoilered and binged on knowledge, surprisingly?
I don't know much beyond that. (Well, I certainly know about some non-Master/Servant characters. But I am talking about Servants and Masters specifically, who are the ones I am interested in the most.) I finished Episode 7, so I've only seen 4 of the Masters, said Masters' Servants, plus Lancer. And of them, I actually know absolutely nothing (beyond what's been shown) of Rider/Rider's Master; I don't know the specific in-universe lore behind Berserker; I don't really know Lancer well in spite of him being one of the ones I specifically researched (well, it's more like I researched his weapons without stumbling upon much about him, just a few details), you get the idea.
In other words, in spite of me knowing some rather HUGE plot twists.
I actually am finding that by and large.
I actually know nothing in spite of just how much of the series I was anticipating having been spoiled to me.
But I'm calling it a night there.
(Note, I am rather aware that the anime series are of course based around the...what's the term...visual novel?...but I take it as a given that people understand that, and understand that I understand that.)
I'm probably not going to stay up much longer.
Tomorrow is Christmas, after all.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if half the gifts I get end up being something I make good use for, but then again, I'm probably the second-hardest member of the family to shop for. (The hardest of course being my brother.)