As much as I am trying to attempt to stay on top of things in my life, some things slip through.
I need to do followup doctor stuff for instance (they've slipped through) for instance even now, though today has been better than most for staying on top of things.
It's still got weaknesses, but it has also gotten a lot done, including a comic showing off my stupid sense of humor.
My basic concept was: person comes up, reads the door.
Person knocks.
Person is told to read the sign.
Person tries to use various secret knocks.
Person leaves out of frustration.
Person returns, with the epiphany.
Person speaks 'Secret Knock', and is allowed to enter.
(Kinda sorta in the style of, "Speak Friend, and Enter" made famous by Lord of the Rings.)
Unfortunately, showing in a comic various different forms of possible secret knocks is rather difficult. After all, to display variants on knocks you kinda need sound, and all knocks written are written the same. I could maybe have attempted to show different variants on knocks, but space was also an issue in that I could only fit so much in a panel and also I could only make it be so long in a comic.
So unfortunately, I had to basically skip the "person tries to use various secret knocks" step and leave the comic's contents far more implied than explicit.
So I didn't get the comic quite as I liked it, but for a comic I made in MS paint in about an hour's worth of work while multitasking, that's still not too shabby. It could be better, obviously, and didn't get what I wanted, but I still think it works because when reading my own comic, I DO laugh at it.
If I laugh at my own comic, that means I have succeeded in the end. It was funny to ME.
And while I realize it's probably not funny to most people, I knew that from the getgo as the humor style is rathe niche and something fairly specific to me.
Still, tho, I'm ultimately satisfied with it and rather proud of what I did.
I'm slacking in other areas of my life I'm sure.
I can't stay on top of everything, after all.
But I AM trying to do as much as I can to stay on top as much of what I can.