And, hey! We reached a new high tonight!
Still not at Platinum, but we're at Gold I again, at 38 LP!
It's mostly been off the back of Academy comps with a side of Yordle comps. Now, I'd like to emphasize: I don't try to force those comps. In fact, I prefer not to, because I know that they are highly contested. It's just that often, I legit don't have any other choice.
I've had absolute garbage luck at rand'ing Void mutants and the few times I did, I either didn't have the items for Cho'gath or couldn't get mutants on my bench early enough to run it so was forced to run other things.
Because if given the choice, I would run Mutants every game just because they're my favorite comp.
I've also had a lot of rotten luck in general mind you, but not running my favorite comp is among the least of the unluckiness I have had.
Still, tho, new high is exciting!
I've fallen down in the latter in spite of it being a new high tho.
I was in, what, top 5% before?
Now it's top 9% in spite of being at a higher LP--because it took me too long to get there.
We'll see if I can get into Platinum and if that helps me.
But that'll wait until tomorrow. As it's 7:30, I need bed.