We missed Wednesday for understandable reasons: we picked up a Thursday shift because we wanted the money (and to be nice, but mostly, the money) but did so after having left home and needed to go straight to bed, so no blog on Wednesday.
But if I'm doing the math right, I think that means we didn't blog on Tuesday, either, and for that, I don't remember why we did, presumably, forgetting?
Oh yeah, it was just "whoops, we forgot".
Beyond that, we've procrastinated until the last day for a training. We need to get it done.
We also want to actually start writing the book we're working on.
And then there's League's quest which we need to not slack off on.
I think ideal priority is in that order, but also:
We want to start our new routine tomorrow. We developed the plan.
Instantly put the gender juice pill in mouth; do primary workout for the day (except on Saturdays, the rest day); stretches for that day; run; hard tae kwon do practice with strong precise technique; soft tae kwon do moves to get a pseudo-tai-chi thing going; breakfast; brush teeth; shower (once a week with shampoo/conditioner, twice without); on workdays, arrive at work; if possible, do secondary workout; eat lunch; brush teeth.
Now we need to execute it.
Tomorrow's gonna be a huge test, especially with us going to bed at 5 am.
If we do it tomorrow, we can keep doing it; if we don't do it tomorrow, we probably never will.
So future me please listen to past us all wanting it, especially Miss Efficiency. (Speaking of which, we still need to blog about that. We're more and more favoring us/we over I/me except for specific facets or environments where it's not safe, and there's five of us as far as we know that are major facets. Heck if we know everything tho.)