I mostly came to point out how much I love my significant other and how I'm basically addicted to them at this point. I find myself often thinking about them, even at times I shouldn't. All my thoughts at least partially revolve around them now. At all times, good/bad/neutral, I have them in my mind. Love truly does do funny things to the brain. I so wish I could see them and spend more time with them. <3
But anyway. Life stuff aside from me gushing from a schoolgirl would probably be appreciated by everyone. For school, I don't actually have anything actually required to be done which I didn't already do, at least I'm pretty sure. I do have some things to turn in of course. But I did them already.
One of the more nasty things required is a hand-writing assignment. One reason we use CAD is specifically so that we don't need to do things by hand...and for good reason. I have incredibly shaky hands, especially when nutritionally deprived and/or when I am calling upon them for fine dexterity. Quite literally, the more precise the task, the less precise my hands are.
I can move my hands around just fine to, say, type. I can make more broad pencil strokes just fine. But fine motor control? The type to make mechanically-defined preset standards be met? I just don't have the ability to do that and yet it's asked of me anyway.
Also, ow. Typing hurts my hands right now. They're shaking more than normal but also more exhausted than normal. Because of the hand-writing assignment, I suspect. This is the curse I've always had and mentioned on the blog before in fact. As an artist, as a writer, I need my hands, and yet, they have problems. In the wrists. In the tendons. In the joints. Whatever, wherever.
It is to some extent genetic. I know my mother has shaky hands. I believe one or both of my grandmothers had it as well. I also know these problems (carpal tunnel and/or tendonitis) are things members of my family have in fact struggled with; my older sister was so badly injured that the only thing which can fix her hands fully would be surgery since literally everything short thereof failed to heal her.
The thing about our family is that it's often obvious we have some immense talents. We have some gifts that people would absolutely love to have. Strong athleticism (even out of shape, we can keep pace with people who have been training for years when we've done nothing of the sort), strong innate ability in certain subjects, we have lots of various forms of artists, we tend to ace tests easily, we usually did well in school with a deep understanding of the material we studied, lots of things like that.
...And yet. We're not superhuman. For every upside, for every talent, for every gift, there's a downside, a curse, a limitation. Obviously, not all members of the family inherit all of the quirks. But of us six, usually at least half have any given trait. Either good, or bad. The ones who have the trait differ, varying from trait to trait. For instance, my brother has the same resistance to diseases I have yet lacks the "once infected stays sick forever" part I have, whereas my dad has vulnerability to diseases and has the staying-sick-forever issue.
I don't quite know where I was going with this ramble. I feel like there was more I wanted to talk about. But I should get back to school, and do whatever awaits me.