I did remember another main thing I wanted to blog about, the Projection story, where I've fleshed out a significant number of the supporting cast, such that I even have the idea of the setting more or less down pat. (Basically, it's a fairly small city, but a city with a disproportionately high number of supers native to the city from phantom attacks, most of which are young. Of the two supers in the city not in their teens, one the main hero of the area and one the main villain, neither is a native to the city, but of the teenaged supers, all of them are city natives. The balance of power is loosely equal between the heroes and villains before the protagonist arrives, who thus swings the balance in favor of the side they choose. It was slightly villain-sided before, so Sam as a hero doesn't win every fight, but with Sam as a villain the city is pretty much villain-owned due to the unspoken rule of "no escalation", a code both sides honor out of their own self-interests. Villains and heroes use only the minimal amount of power when skirmishing with each other, as to avoid seriously harming their opponents, which is a recipe to cause them, in desperation, to seriously harm them. Also, Eldritch-class phantoms, and for that matter phantom attacks in general, are something that they both have an interest in fighting, so the setting has a Worm-like code in place. Not identical, but similar, based on my own logic.)
And I want to blog about it, laying out the basic exposition of the balance between heroes and villains in the city, how they operate, how their fights work. (In short, heroes have a priority on their objectives. They want to capture the villains, but stopping the villains is more important than capturing them, and not having any citizens harmed is more important, and ideally collateral damage is avoided, and they don't want to use excess force due to both the bad PR from it and the risk of villains similarly escalating. Villains want to achieve their goals, but avoiding capture is more important than achieving their objective since they can always try again. But more important than that is to make sure they don't attract too much attention, because they want to have their only opposition be local heroes; if they do something too heinous to ignore, they risk bringing down the full might of superheroes across the world on them. But it's more nuanced than that and I want to describe the nuances.)
Right now, there's eight heroes and six villains, with one character who always aligns themselves with Sam due to being their friend. There might be one more hero/villain because I remember one night having dreamed up two corresponding opposite powers, but if so I can't remember what they were so for now, it is what it is. (There is another hero who does make appearances, but he is not local, not permanent, mostly due to him being considered one of the most powerful supers in the entire world and having bigger fish to fry. Granted, Projection's power as a villain is basically a hard-counter to almost every single power in his arsenal, so he could be a permanent fixture with Projection as a villain and indeed does make more appearances on the villain reality for Projection, but even so he's just not someone I see as a permanent presence in the town.)
I suppose that's it for the blog today.
I'm making it just before going to bed, since I am for some reason just...immensely tired today and have been. Dunno why, I slept for long enough, but apparently, it wasn't enough. Oh well. Hopefully tonight will be more sound of a sleep.