It was particularly potent today because I was very bitter. I was supposed to be going to college today, but because my work schedule doesn't change until next week and I couldn't get a sub, I couldn't attend, and had to work. Which will put me massively behind, especially if history repeats for day two this Thursday. The only good thing to come of it was a partially-finished pseudosong (it's lyrical, but I'm not sure it actually fits to music; there's a tune, so it's not just speaking, but it's...odd), yet that's so incomplete and just the 'chorus' so I can't show it, either.
I mainly just sat in a sort of meditative state the entire time, trying not to let the bitterness leave anger in me even though it visibly was leaving a lack of enthusiasm. I worked today without the radio, and I think that was actually therapeutic; the silence and relatively calm day allowed me to just sit there and drift, something that is healthy to do from time to time.
Anyway, not much for me to say. The plan for tonight is mainly for me to write out in, say, a word doc the prologue, page by page, of my magical girl story. I do have a fairly entertaining way of going about it, I think, which will make it rather enjoyable. (Some nonlinear storytelling will be used.)