She found a link in our line to royalty. ROYALTY, not NOBILITY. And, know how these things go.
Find a link to one royalty, find a link to several, what with their intermarriages and political stuff and such.
In this case, at least five Kings and multiple famous women. I believe my older sister (who has the full list) mentioned King Edward I and King Edward III and one of the Henrys (III?), plus I believe a King Francis of France or something like that, and then a King of a kingdom that's a part of modern-day Spain. I'm not sure how it's spelled--Aragon? Yeah, well, there's a connection there, too.
These things are fairly far back. But are pretty dang important.
I mean, it's so distant as to be practically nonexistent. There are perfectly ordinary families whose connection to royalty are MUCH stronger than mine. But it exists all the same! I have royal blood--however far back, however faintly it may be--inside of me!
Maybe that's why I'm so royally messed up!