Nobody I am following was streaming.
Nobody I am following had a new video I haven't watched.
The site I play mafia on was being slow to the point of being unusable, meaning I wasn't going to be able to play.
I played TFT until I didn't want to play it anymore, and had plenty of time before now after having done so.
I was bored, couldn't think of anything to do, had all the free time in the world to do something.
And what I chose to do?
Puzzle games.
Completely and totally forgetting about my blog until now.
Mind you, puzzle games are still engaging. They are fun, entertaining, and being puzzles that have logic to them, engage me, force me to think and such. It's scientifically proven that puzzles help your brain more or less and the games I was playing I think qualify as the type of game which is actually helpful.
It's something which forces you to approach things from a certain angle, look at them in unique ways to find the solution more or less. So, not a complete waste of time, exercise for the brain which is as close to exercising the brain as a muscle as we can actually get. Not a bad thing to do by any stretch of the imagination.
But I really should've blogged here first before doing the puzzles for like...four, five hours or so.
I don't consider it an absolute waste of time. Not the best spent of time, so still stupid of me, but it was enjoyable still all the same. Still makes me a moron tho.