By which, I mean, yesterday, we got a call asking about whether we could attend a meeting, a sort of square dance club reunion. Ten or so people showed up, and it was a blast.
I mean, I only recognized half the people there because that's about how many I knew (me being the 'baby' of the group and not having directly danced in competition with most of them), and it was a bit cross-generational even beyond that, ranging from 20s to 30s, but all 'kids' in that agerange.
So we got together. We danced, even though half of us haven't danced in years. There was something that was just about it. That mystical mixture of people created an environment that few can create, a magical feeling that goes beyond the nostalgia factor. My bond to them is the weakest, but even I was able to feel that camaraderie.
Regrettably, I had to leave early because my sister had a lesson to teach and she was my ride (she had to reschedule the lesson to even attend in the first place), but the time I was there, though brief, defies all words. There's something about a group of old comrades gathering and reminiscing that simply defies all words. It's...a truly wondrous thing, even for a weak link. If you're a stronger link, then it's just that much better.
Cherish what you've had. Always.