The basics of it are a world where Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, Magical Girls, Gods, Demigods, Spirits, Demons, Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Angels, other supernatural beings, Elemental Powers, Fairies, Elves, Superheroes, Supervillains, and more, all exist, but are not mutually exclusive. In fact they frequently overlap. Princesses being frequent sources of being almost all at once. A world combining all of them into one.
I'm still figuring out the details.
Basically, Gods aren't so much Gods as they are an avatar of the concept of the entity. They are human, but also divine, they are both the God yet also as a human can stray from the myths. They have both influence from the perception of their myth but also their own personal growth separate from the myth.
There's two separate perception filters, where one is "I coulda sworn it was this way, but I guess it always was this way" for some changes, and another is "this is happening, but meh, not my problem" where they kinda tune it out because it's not something which affects/impacts them. They see it happen and if they focused would know of it, but don't really care.
All creatures, from monsters to magical girls and so on and so forth, are not inherently good or evil. They're people. There's still evil academies and good academies and super academies.
Morph grids can handle up to 7, but can have secondaries up to 12, so teams are usually 3 - 6 in size with final rangers occupying the remainders.
I have an idea of how it all works, but I don't have it laid out or the time to tonight.
It's gonna be fun to explore though.
The one downside; I am going to get more headmates from exploring.
Which, isn't really a downside, so much as it is, a, " we go again..." xD.
Anyway, gotta go, busy night.