And honestly...this might seem weird, but...for maybe the first time ever, this doesn't feel like a world I made.
It feels like a world I am discovering.
Like, when it came to farn, I made it, and then it took on a life of its own. Farn was created, and I don't create things about farn anymore, I discover things about it. But I still was initially writing and creating farn before it took on enough momentum to build itself. I gave the building blocks, then farn built itself.
And same for the colliniverse, for Phyrra and Cyrus.
And same for the Rubyverse.
Every paracosm of mine, I created, and then it took on its own life beyond my work.
But this world feels different somehow.
I feel like I'm channeling it into being represented but I didn't make it.
Not even subconsciously.
Like, I know what my headspace is like.
I know what worlds I subconsciously make are like.
I know what worlds I consciously started building are like.
And yet, this earth feels like it just exists already, I'm just the one who discovered it somehow.
I'm not sure I can do it justice, but I'll have to try.
Probably not today, but when I can.