In my mind, in all the stories that have featured them, I've always called them Blood Masters, similar to Shadowmasters. (They're an import, I said this before, not something I created specifically for the Rubyverse.) But today, I randomly decided, "Hey, basically every element--and then some when you think technomancer--has a name, so why not blood masters?"
Result? Now, their technical name (and I do stress, TECHNICAL; they're always called Blood Masters because that's the name I invented for them and I'm sticking to it, dangit!) is Ichoromancers, since I did a quick 30 seconds of skimming to confirm terms like pyro- and cryo- were Greek in origin, and then typed in 'greek blood' and voila, the magic of google told me about Ichor.
It might have the meaning of gods' blood more specifically, but given what Blood Masters can DO, that doesn't stop the name from being any more appropriate! (I know, I know, -mancy means 'talk to', but still appropriate all the same, because they're effectively communicating with their own blood and/or the blood of others.)
I made this because as I'm typing this, I've been updating my notes file with my stuff from recent blogs, expanding upon it. (The new format contains a ton of extra stuff, slightly more organized in some cases, slightly more prone to tangents in other cases, but with said tangents always adding a ton more.)
Feels good doing all this writing, but I DO need to do other stuff soon.