Ah, well. Anyway, for other news on today, I arrived an hour early to work, which left me with nothing productive to do. It did, however, remind me of my Juggler story. Last you knew, I believe, I had introduced an eighth member. Well, this is new to you, but old for me, but I soon after developed a ninth member, whose power is generating an anti-magic field...who is VERY fast, agile, and nimble...and even though he brings his opponents down to human level, he maintains a supernaturally-strong right fist. (A Certain Magical Index did call, wanting their protagonist back, I know. Never claimed it was an original idea, but it WAS an idea that popped into my head all the same.)
Well, this is relevant now, because as of today, I just created the tenth, by encountering something I've never seen before: a green hairpin. (Well, half-green, half-white, itself a color I don't see.) So I figured, maybe that's unusual in-universe, too. But what would this character actually do?
Well, I decided that the person would have mastery of the eight elements that exceeded Juggler's. Or, to plagiarize (quite blatantly at that) from Batman... "You simply adapted to the eight elements, one by one. I, on the other hand, was born with them."
He proves this by absorbing the attack, then shooting it back strengthened even further. How does Juggler win? Well, after surviving the reflected attack, by being a stereotypical shonen protagonist: "Ever since I encountered *8th guy*, I knew, eventually, I would somehow encounter opponents even stronger than him. I didn't get a chance when fighting *9th guy*, but I fully realize that people see me as a god. So I thought, 'maybe it's time to start fighting like one'."
Thus, he debuts an attack called...what else?...Ten Commandments. It's basically a souped-up version of Seven Sins, isolating the two fighters on an extradimensional plane, where every possible destiny of both combatants, along with every possible destiny of everyone they could possibly interact with, plays out over the course of their lives, and it even spans post-mortem, to show consequences lasting longer than their lives. In this state, they experience everything, locking wills and do battle at a pure, basic level driven by their beliefs off of what they see and feel.
I thought it was a neat idea, at the least.