It would have been nice to go, but I ultimately decided against it, because an old injury flared up. Specifically, my right leg pain. It's an old, old injury. When I first got it, I think in Tae Kwon Do, when the pain didn't go away, I even briefly suspected I may have had a minor break. This was probably something like a month ago, maybe more, though maybe less. I kind-of think I may have blogged about it, but then again, maybe not.
Anyway, the point is, it was a severe pain in my leg, obtained a long while ago. But then, the pain went away. Until a little over a week ago, when it randomly reappeared for no apparent reason. It was on again, off again, so when I did TKD, I took it easy. All the same, it was present Thursday, and back to the off again relationship aside from an occasional flare...until yesterday, when it got so bad that I couldn't sleep. Me, the girl with a high pain tolerance, tossing and turning, specifically because of pain in my leg.
THAT bad. I figured the hike would do me no favors, and that I might end up causing them to either slow down or turn around prematurely, ultimately making the call it'd be safer for me to not go. But, owwwwwwwwwwwww, it hurt.
It's mostly off again today, though I can tell the injury is still there. Whenever I think about it (for instance, when writing this blog post), the nerves in my leg send a reminder to me that there's some sort of injury there, even if they aren't screaming at me like they were earlier.
So, no hike for me, sadly. Oh, well, some other time.
I spent the majority of the time they were gone with a cat being very cute by using me as a bed. Among other things. She walked around, rubbed me, sat on my face (well, close), various other things which generally made napping hard, but I appreciated it all the same.
The day also wasn't a waste; I've spent the majority of today sending in about a dozen job applications. I don't realistically expect so much as a single nibble, but it's the thought which counts. Now that I've done all I can on the desktop...time for more stuff. Like a blog post, a lengthy one at that, but more.
I'm in the mood to do some writing again (it helps that I looked at my LinkedIn profile, which again contains a taunt about published material which I currently don't have), but I also owe you an update on Red Hood Rider.
Yesterday, I did draw half a page. It was frustrating, because while on the one hand, the art felt appropriate somehow, and did look truer to my vision in some ways, on the other hand, it felt like a minor regression, and far more importantly, the scene's not quite playing out like I wanted.
So, I caved into the frustration and attempted to do a realistic drawing, mostly freestyle without much in a way of references, and at some point it vaguely morphed into a sort-of self-portrait. Spent half an hour on it and it was okay, but nothing particularly remarkable.
Anyway, as for what's on today's agenda...I'm actually thinking of doing some general note-taking on Red Hood Rider. There's lots of little details here and there that I don't want lost. Things like a plot arc where Sally applies to become a professional superhero, for instance. The need to put Brigand's profile up is another.
Yet what really brings this up is that...well.
On my bed, right next to my head, I sleep next to hand-written notes. These are the various things I have yet to document on my official note file. And the reason why I mention this? Aside from how I literally stare at all the things I've not yet done, there's another motivator behind this decision:
The ink on the oldest two is starting to fade.
Not slightly fade.
As in, the ink on the oldest two is so faint in some places that my already-sloppy writing is unreadable because of how much has vanished.
Environmental hazard, of sorts. Certain spots in my room seem to be very bad places for written things. (Other places can go undisturbed for literally years and not age a day. It's ridiculously random.) So, there's a bit of a timer going on, to get those things written before time runs out.
And that's what I'll mainly be focusing on today. We'll have to see if I succeed.