That forced me to use Firefox at the college in order to not have to go through the pain of sorting through chrome on a painfully-slow internet...especially when the main browser I use to establish a connection is Chrome. Using Firefox was at first a huge pain since I couldn't get through by trying Google; it took me visiting the site I wanted to go to anyway to trigger the wifi login.
I suppose also noteworthy is that I forgot my cell phone today, which would have been helpful for getting into contact with my dyadic encounter partner, who texted me. I'm reasonably certain we didn't agree to meet today, but she was under the impression we did. We decided on a future date when we met, though.
Hmm...what else? Oh, yeah. I suppose I should mention that I skipped out on a workout today, in large part because I could feel my body still being alarmingly sore from the Friday workout, but there may be an opportunity to make it up tomorrow. (We'll have to see.) I discovered that in kickboxing, which if there's one thing it's good at, it's at finding out how my body is doing.
Another thing I'd like to bring up is a minor concern my pills aren't working, since while I'm taking them every night, they seem to have lost their edge: I'm not getting to sleep very easily, not sleeping so well, and my mind is extremely prone to wandering. It'll only be something to be concerned about if it continues.
...Oh, and speaking of which, my dog is going to the vet because there's noticeably something wrong with him, too.
That's really it, aside from HotR and some Clicker Heroes. To talk a bit about Heroes of the Realm, I'm in an interesting Arena setup. I'm consistently at spot number two...yet spots number one and three seem to have shifted on the second day. Number one took a dive to third by losing to me today, and number three shot up by winning against me today, with the inverse having happened yesterday. I should also tell you that right now, I'm hanging steadily around the 3,000s. I'm mainly focusing on building up my infrastructure, maxing out my buildings for my level. (21.) Right now, I've got everything except the Oracle (working on that--I think I'm in the middle of a final upgrade, if the Oracle is anything like the Wall), Party Portal, Portal, Market, and resources (with some housing not there) fully upgraded. I'm upgrading the Oracle and Party Portal, I'm not upgrading my Portal until my army is strong enough to 3-star clear Curitelia (this will take a while, seeing as how getting a SSS-rank on Difficult--my personal requirement before trying Heroic--isn't even finished for the second zone, yet alone, Curitelia), either.
So right now, my main fixture is that once the Oracle and Party Portal max out, to go with upgrading the Market and housing. Since there is an XP-gain event going on right now, though, I'm doing a fair amount of adventuring with my army so that they can get that, even though I don't need the items (I mostly buy my items since what I buy is better than what I find), gems (what I get is mostly optional at this point), or really even the XP.
Steady as she goes.