But today, I started feeling tired at like...3:30 am. Almost immediately after I started streaming.
I realize I only had one cup of coffee today rather than more, so that's also a possible factor. I realize I might be depressed, which could be another factor. I realize I didn't have something I really wanted to watch, another potential contributing factor.
I legitimately think the actual reason I am so dead tired is because streaming literally drains my lucidity, lulling me into sleep earlier than I otherwise would.
Which...you might think isn't a good thing, because streaming draining you sounds like it'd be bad, but I legit think it's the good kind of draining. Yaknow, like after you go on a run, exercising, draining? The type of thing that takes a lot out of you...but not in a bad way, in a good way.
Plus, me sleeping sooner? Not a bad thing. So I think that streaming making me tired is actually a good thing.
Definitely understand and empathize a lot more with some of the streamers I know and people I am friends with.