I've not been slacking off. Honestly, in absolute sincerity mode, I can tell you that. I've been putting real time and effort into it. I have even been putting less time into other activities I love dearly specifically because I know I need to get the art done.
To stay on a weekly schedule, I need to finish by Friday night.
To get ahead of the weekly schedule, I need to finish before Friday night.
And I estimate at this point probably about 4-6 hours of work has gone into the page already.
...I didn't even finish the lineart yet. That many hours, and I'm not done with the lineart. I'm sacrificing the time I'd be spending elsewhere, honestly I am. While I'm logging into ComicFury daily, I'm not reading (at least not consistently) any of the comics from there, even though I dearly love to. Me not reading them is effectively my way of punishing myself for having not already finished.
And on the mafia side of things, I'm logging in daily and doing the bare minimum. I'm not doing anything beyond the absolute necessary in every front. I'll read (maybe even respond) to non-game topics, but for the most part? I haven't been wasting time on there, as I am wont to do. I've wanted to use that time, unproductively as it may be to do so. But I've shown the self-restraint to not do so.
So, dead seriously, I say, I have not been slacking off. No gaming. No reading. Nothing. I haven't been doing job stuff, either. (Even though I really, really need to, what, with my inbox being prone to flooding and all that.) It's not like I've even been distracted by fluff from my comic, superfluous things I want but don't need, either. I've been actually doing the work!
It's just...so time consuming.
You have no clue how much I look forward to me figuring out streamlining methods. (I do have ideas, though!)
Because this is taking forever.
It's good work!
I'm turning pages which weren't so great into pages that are passable. (Admittedly, I wasted two panels on the current page figuring out how to draw a front-profile face and have it actually look feminine, because I wasn't satisfied with the look and thought it looked masculine, so I still botched two panels worth of work, but it was worth it in the long-run for what I now know to aim for. I think I can do it consistently rather than randomly, now!)
It's just...it's not work done overnight.
Trust me, I tried.
And am trying.
It'll be so worth it when you finally see it.