(Granted, she's also older, so who knows, ten years from now, maybe I'll be the next her, but as of right now, she's who I look up to.) An insanely talented writer, a great artist, has a nice wife, is very involved in her communities, has a ton of wisdom...everything I want to be as a transwoman, she is.
Anyway, so relatively recently, she underwent a second precautionary surgery, to make sure her cancer wouldn't come back. And last night, I let myself get lost reading her stuff. (Time well-spent! You have no idea how much that made me ecstatic throughout today.) Which means...yep! I slacked off on the work I need to have done.
Zero mafia stuff.
Homework due tomorrow that I'm not entirely sure how I'll manage to BS. (Because it IS something that I need to BS.)
Work stuff.
You know, standard "I'm an idiot" stuff you've figured out I'm prone to if you've read this blog.
But I WILL say that it's inspiring me to get back into writing and drawing more. A quick rundown is that on a daily basis, I plan on giving one of my story ideas a highlight in the blog, aside from a few that I'll skip. I'll give a basic rundown of what the story was inspired by, what it was, what it has become in my mind, and whatnot. Some stories I'll give more than others because they stick out more, others will get barely any for the reasoning that I forgot basically everything about them aside from the fundamentals, much to my shame. (Some I had stored on a site, but said site went down and wasn't exactly public, so I'm not sure the info can be accessed. I'll try, though.)
Then there's art. I want to do three drawings in particular.
-Me in my normal getup. (I'm thinking my normal shoes.)
-Me in my lifeguard getup.
-Me as a magical girl. I've got a specific idea in mind: a red hoodie with black in it (accompanied by a similar mask, of course), a black skirt with red threading, black socks extending up to the knees, and (black?) sneakers. Since my transformation trinket is on my left arm and I'm right handed, I'm thinking weapon-wise, that means a bow.
We'll see how it pans out.
Butyeah, way too busy for details right now.
...Just imagine this blog post three or four times longer if I did.