100% positive I got a virus on my laptop. I would very, VERY much not like to discuss the details there, because it was entirely my fault and I'd prefer not to explain how I screwed up so badly.
Not to mention, I'm pretty sure my security measures for my laptop would make anyone who has literally any computer knowledge whatsoever run away in horror, so I'd rather not go into detail. (No, it's not having no protection at all. No, it's not having whatever the default is and nothing but that. But it's pretty much just as bad.)
So far, I think things are maybe going okay?
I've killed every executable that was questionable, and closed my browser as a precaution (also, spybot immunization doesn't like it when you have a browser open so that, too), but most anti-malware regrettably requires internet access, so I can't cut the internet to my computer, meaning the virus probably has an edge.
Basically, I've guaranteed that I can't leave my laptop unattended for the whole night. I obviously have antivirus measures, and I think they will work. Of course, the virus I got (I think some sort of adware on steroids?) by its nature I will only be able to test via trying to open my browser, so I won't know if it worked for a long time (presumably, files will be quarantined first), but yeah.
Long, boring, ridiculous day.
I dare not connect my flashdrive to my computer, and I won't open my browser until it's time to test to see if I dealt with the virus, and while the desktop is being used by my mom anyway if it was open I still wouldn't be able to use it thanks to the constant need to attend my laptop.
Meaning I'm stuck in here, with very limited options on what I can work on.
You might wonder what could come from this.
For a start, mosquito bites; there's a mosquito I'm pretty sure in my room that's interested in me. I've batted it away and told it 'shoo', which normally seems to work (I don't actually get bitten that often, believe it or not), but with this amount of time spent for this amount of time, it's probably still gonna feed at least once.
But it's also a nice reminder about constant vigilance (ha, ha, yeah, I know, half my blogger fanbase will get the reference) and to basically not be a complete and total idiot, utter moron.
Mind you, that series of good habits will probably drop quickly, out of a lack of necessity. I don't usually visit sites that COULD give me a virus. (Meaning, mostly? I stick to a few sites outside of google image searches, which I never visit the web page of: not COMPLETELY safe, but RELATIVELY safe all the same.) I mean, that pretty much tells you part of the idiocy I went through today (that being, yes I did visit a site that could give me a virus), but exactly WHY I did something so ungodly stupid as that I would very much like to drag down to my grave and never reveal.
So, what's the real gain from this?
Literally the ONLY thing I can do in my room is work on Red Hood Rider. My notes should be safe enough to access; they're already on the computer, and I sincerely doubt anything I could do would corrupt them. This is the current plan, actually, to script Episode 2, and maybe script out Episode 3 if I get the chance.
The OTHER thing I can do? Actually draw Red Hood Rider. Maybe the comic itself, even, mood depending. If not, then still at least productive drawings. For instance, I've wanted to draw the cast for a long time.
Dark Ruby. Lord Ventrella. "Ryan". Gary in his outfit. Sally, in and out of uniform. Hannah, before. Hannah after, both in and out. Dale. Dion, for that matter. Herald. D.D., in all her forms. Vili. Whitney, all three. Amy. Maybe even work on the Rogues Gallery a bit.
I need to work on them all.
But first...my mom did say I need to eat, and she's right. With Locals Only coming up in an hour (god, I've been debugging my computer for two hours now), my options are eat now, or eat at 10 seconds before the food would be put away.
That is a bit of a risk, but it should be a negligible one.
So, uh, yeah.
I screwed up.
Big time.
And now I've got no excuse to slack off on making Ruby as a result.
So, mixed blessings I guess. From the worst screw-up ever, I can get something productive.
Go, me?
(Status update: you're seeing this, meaning I'm trying it out. I think I got it? It's hard to say for sure with these things.)