Not that I can actually TELL you,'ll just get a pleasant surprise when I show up on Monday! (Because, uh...yeah, not gonna blog Sunday night; I'll be too exhausted.)
Today we went to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. (We being us four siblings: my older sister, my brother, me, and my younger sister.) I had very low expectations, that standard, the movie succeeded in exceeding my standard. I like the EU that existed better. I also felt that them doing the ~spoiler~ (that basically everyone knows at this point) was a huge mistake.
The film was alright, but suffered from the fate of all modern action movies: lack of pacing. Because they're almost all action, action, action. Films as late as the 90s knew how to do it. (Think Independence Day, for instance: it had action, but PLENTY of build-up TO said action.) All the non-action scenes felt rushed, things that should have had focus on them but were just glossed over, missing opportunity for character growth for flashy special effects.
That being said, while the film was CG, the CG at least was less glaringly obvious than the prequel films; the style felt a lot closer to the original.
Anyway, after we did that, we, ah, took the scenic route home, because we were hungry. So after a good ten minutes of wandering, we found a Wendy's. Got a small burger for each (except my older sister), then spent an equal amount of time figuring out how to get back to 97 heading North. (Back to home.)
Then, it was time to put away the tree, and that's never pleasant. Seriously, hazmat suits would not be overkill.