I used some of the time for playing Chrono Trigger some more (still trying to get those power tabs: I need ~68 to max out Lucca and some additional 80 or so for Nadia), making some decent discoveries for farming places. (Mainly, the elevator at the end--there's a slight risk of death involved, but thusfar, I've found that Ayla can generally steal two MegaElixirs safely. Them being basically the ultimate godsend items-wise, and it taking only one to fill my characters back to full, it's a very nice spot. It's obvious luck of the draw for actually ENCOUNTERING them, but given fighting Cybots is a joke and Goons with my current combo are harmless enough, it works!)
I'm going to see what else I can do before I go to bed. It'll be difficult to work on Red Hood Rider notes, but I suppose I can. Maybe I can novel more, since I don't want to stop. (Only problem is, now I've encountered a section that requires referencing back a previous section for consistency, and that's just...uhg, going to be painful.) Then, there's the possibility of me actually DRAWING for Red Hood Rider, something I desperately need to start if I want to make a January release date.
I dunno, but I'll think of something. Like I said, this is too soon to go to bed, so I have to find something to do, I'm all gamed out for the night, so I can't waste it even if I wanted to, all I can do is...find something productive to spend time on.