Tensions are high today as lots of accusational words are being thrown out. Quite a number of them thrown at me, in large part because I took my time eating breakfast. Rather a LOT of time eating breakfast, while stubbornly insisting that I'm ready to go. (Mostly.) And then, others complaining about my stuff. But as I illustrated yesterday, I had a plan, which has now been executed (more or less).
Anyway, aside from the book I'm writing this in, I'm ready to go. So while there may be some interesting factoids (like me telling my family I lack a sweet tooth for most candy--I don't know why, but I just don't ever have the urge to eat it, thus, it goes to waste more often than not), I should probably pack 'em up, since there's technically a few items (I listed them yesterday) dependent on my pencil and notebook going in first.
Soyeah, this is the last you'll hear of me before I return.
Well, I'm home. I don't really have that much to say about the return trip, surprisingly enough. I slept most of the way. It took us three hours to get over the snow-covered, icy pass, there was a slight delay with Dairy Queen since the town we stop in lost their McDonald's, and that meant we ran afoul of rush hour traffic at the border. At our next stop, thanks to faulty directions, we briefly backtracked for 8 minutes total, heading south to the nearest exit before we turned back around to pass where we were and continue north. Why's that so noteworthy?
Well, see my family has a tradition of doing ETA guesses, upon departure. Mine, to my brother's place, was 9:15/9:25. (The latter's what I wanted, the former's what I initially blurted out.) My younger sister's was 9:30. My older sister, 9:35. (My brother was 10:00, and my mom was 8:30.)
...We got there at 9:31. Do your math. Minus eight minutes, I would have won.
...Mind you, I did get my revenge: on the next prediction, I wanted 10:20 but did 10:25 because my younger sister did 10:30 and older sister, 10:35. (My brother had been driving, from the last stop to his place. My dad's a slower driver, they reckoned, so extra time'd be required.) We arrived at 10:20.
...Ah, siblings. Chances are, if you're in a family of my size, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Anyway, now that I'm home, I've got a TON of work to do. Like potentially see if there was a work SNAFU that might mean trouble. And get my computer stuff up and running. And rather importantly, getting this blog typed up, and slightly edited with the minor corrections I noted but didn't make on the spot. (Not nearly as much as you'd think. I could have edited the blogs, but 95% of it is true to the original, meaning I've done an extremely faithful adaption of them.)
Got my alarm-clock radio on already. Just need to settle down and get things running. Got quite a lot of catching up to do.