Yeah, well, both to prove a point and satisfy my own curiosity, I did a follow-through. Observe.
Original sketch:
Now! I know that trace jobs take less time than the original. To prove the point to its fullest, I probably should have also made an exact duplicate drawing, at least an attempted exact duplicate, but oh well. The point that I was more or less going for, is how familiar and easy it is for me to draw Ruby. I did this without using any reference image for Ruby, aside from Dark Ruby. And yet, just from feel, I've managed to make an image that could very well be in any page of Red Hood Rider.
So basically, what I was going for is that the Dark Ruby drawing you saw might have looked unusual for me, but it's still Ruby, it's just a Ruby that I haven't gotten to draw much. If you compare the two images side-by-side, you can see JUST how much Ruby still is Dark Ruby, and that was what I was going for.
I'd talk more, but I've got a midnight deadline to beat for this blog post.