I wasn't gold IV.
I was Gold III.
But in my last 40 games I can count the wins on a single hand.
I know how to play!
All the things that I do should work, and fairly easily! I'm not picking wacky hard-to-execute, difficult-to-force comps.
Everything I'm running should have an ease of execution which makes it good.
Except I've had luck so bad it's been in the negative. Literal negative luck. Whenever I do something, I know it will always be the worst. On a winstreak? I know my next match will be against the other winstreaker whose comp is just strong enough to mine. Hit my comp's power spike while on a losing streak? Face the winstreaker.
The worst possible things aren't possible to happen. They're guaranteed to happen.
Not getting a carry champion to 2*? Always happens.
Not getting the carry champion's items? Always happens.
Heck, I've had carry champions who had both, not function as they should.
When a Lee Sin kicks a unit into an empty corner hitting nobody instead of kicking a unit into the enemy team, you know what that means? It's my Lee Sin.
When a Lee Sin actually kicks a unit into the enemy team, you know what that means? It's the enemy team's Lee Sin wrecking my comp.
And apply that to every champion.
With literally identical comps down to synergy and items, the enemy team running my comp has the AI act in the way it should and destroy me, but with my comp positioned literally identical with literally the same items and synergies and champions and even hexcores? Suddenly, my AI acts in the least optimal way.
I realize I'm not a Challenger level TFT player.
But I AM a consistently Platinum-level player.
...When there isn't the universe hating me with luck that's so incredibly bad it just...defies belief.