But while being really sick would allow that small comfort, I know it's not true sickness. It's not cough-cough pseudosickness. It's not sore-throat pseudosickness. That, I can fix easily. That, I can also live with easily.
Oh, no. It had to be, and if I describe this in explicit detail it'd venture into the TMI zone, digestive issues. Some stomach pain of some kind, to use the most general terms. (Specifics, again, are TMI.)
Furthermore, I'm kind-of burning up at the moment, but not enough for it to actually be anything that'd register. My house, and especially my room, is for some ungodly reason an oven; it's 81 degrees out there and my room (which is normally cooler) is WARMER than that somehow.
Did I mention it's 11:45, 15 minutes from midnight? And that, every night for the last few weeks or so, I've been sleeping under blankets because if I didn't I'd end up too cold?
So this heat wave is making already-uncomfortable conditions that much worse.
I do have a couple of things I want to do though. Like maybe pursuing a written letter about my daily life with autism, which would be interesting.
I also owe you all a ramble on freedom, but while I don't have much time to do anything (anime starts in 15 minutes), I don't quite have THAT much time, so it'll have to wait.