It had to deal with me wondering about how I effortlessly was managing multiple blog posts every single day, including weekends, when now I struggle very much to do so. I considered work schedules about it, and went on a couple tangents here and there.
I remember it vividly. The blog post was real.
...Except I can't find any notes of it, traditional or digital, and it's not on here. And not on any site. So I'm pretty sure I dreamed I blogged, thought the dream was real, and let it be.
'Cause last night, I went to bed thinking I had already blogged. Given the above, you can tell that I had something to blog about! If I had thought I needed to, I could have, easily, given I also went to bed earlier than normal.
But I didn't because I thought there was no need.
When...apparently...there was.
So, uh.
I guess I'll have to reset the counter for continuous daily blog posting...again.