I'm looking at it.
And looking at other artwork I have of him. Both fanart, references, and actual artwork, finished, and sketches. And while they're all vastly different, I think that I absolutely love the design I've finally gotten, and that with some practice, it'll be easy to make. It's actually a fairly simple design all things considered. But it looks awesome.
Right now, the art drawing (well, I'm not sure it's quite a drawing, but it's better than most sketches even if not as refined as most drawings) I have of him is a bit of a transition, showing Davos in a fairly neutral expression: not childishly naive (his default), not emotionless hardlined killer, not psychotic emotional killer, but a fourth stage, where he resembles...well, a normal adventurer of his age, albeit one with an aura of experience of someone older.
And yet, the expression on him and artwork means that I can see even the subtlest of shifts causing him to go into any of the other three. His design is sharp. It's young, attractive, strong, and yet conveys that there's more to the picture than what we're seeing. I absolutely love it, so as soon as I can, I'm going to scan it and show to you. And then I'm going to whip out my drawing programs and see if I can put to use the skills I've been mentally honing for half a year by now. (I haven't actually gotten to the point of coloration of a scan in...quite a while.)
I think I've got some awesome tricks up my sleeve. Multiple layers for slightly-different colors to give good texture to things. Less of that on metal, to help emphasize its metallic shine. Having a metallic shine. Some lighting blotches. A filter for the light, a filter for the colors, and non-computerized non-black lineart as a start.
I've been holding up so many tricks in my mind that I'm not sure I'll be able to get them all out successfully. But I really think I'm onto something big here, in artistic skill for me. So I might blow some people's minds. I think I can actually do art. Respectable art. Art that'll take me a while to do, and a while to do entirely from memory after that, but art, actual, true, good art, made by me. It can be done, and when I do it, it'll be magnificent. Look forward to seeing it!