It involves a world where everyone is in some way special, but not in the borderline-cliched "everyone except one person has a superpower" way.
Basically the setting has disablers, enablers, and empowered, and is modern technology aside from some more futuristic gadgetry which is slowly but surely spreading, a fairly typical superhero world. But with a twist. I can explain the dynamics more precisely, but I should do so after sleeping.
I'm not exactly tired right now (in fact I'm rather awake), but I'm also not going to neglect the fact that I do in fact need sleep for work tomorrow, so. I'll have to save it for tomorrow. (For that matter I owe you like at least one if not two full story ideas I wrote out but never typed up on here.)
I'll say the reason I haven't been here is due to having anime night, a special variant on family night in which my parents are gone for the full night (and thus, no chance of us being caught), so my brother visits and us three watch anime. We finished the 12 made episodes of Saga of Tanya the Evil, then we watched the 8 dubbed episodes available of season 2 of Attack on Titan.
I have to say that Attack on Titan is the kind of series where you know every major spoiler, ever big twist, in advance, even if you're trying not to. Literally years ago I knew the twists within those 8 episodes--up to and including one of said twists (the first of the titan reveals) being something I knew before I knew anything else about Attack on Titan. (Okay, so. Admittedly. I knew said twist thanks to a mafia game about Attack on Titan which was literally the first I had heard of the show. Butstill.)
That doesn't really diminish how awesome I found the reveal though!
But anyway.
Should be going to bed.
Wish I could give you all more. <3
Tomorrow has work then dance, so I might be busy then. Ah well.