Basically, in addition to having made the webcomic in the first place, she is very active in responding to her readers, and very often will get into a good discussion, and she can raise some surprisingly-good points. As just the most recent example, she described rather nicely how being a transwoman helped to define her, and that if she was born cisgendered as she wishes she was, then much of what her life is right now may never have existed.
In fact, she raises the point that, scarily enough, she could very well be acting like one of her currently-not-so-pleasant characters is acting. That it was only because of being transgendered that she was able to create such a beautiful webcomic. She also said that it's possible to find happiness, and to me is basically acting as a beacon of hope. It can happen; I can get what I want. There's struggles involved, but the struggles make us stronger.
That was a pretty awesome train of thought to see from her, and well worth the ramble it was, a good read. Cannot recommend the comic enough for anyone who is even remotely curious about any aspect of the LGQT+ community.