It's bad.
I think it's purely viral; it feels exclusively in my throat, maybe a bit in the head even--the polar opposite of where it was, in the chest exclusively.
I am still coughing.
Enough to turn my throat raw, even.
Leave me even more miserable than I have been before.
But I think it's different than before.
I've still been urged to go to the hospital.
I'm somewhat pessimistic that they'll diagnose me any differently than my own self-diagnosis.
I don't have a fever; I checked.
But most of my symptoms feel more virus-like now, rather than bacteria-like.
There IS that coughing, and some is in the chest, but it doesn't feel like bacterial infection of the chest, if that makes sense.
If I can get a family member to go with me, sure, I'll go to the hospital and have them there to talk to the doctor but I'm sure not going to go on a trip alone which I know if I went by myself would be a waste.
Last time I went solo, I knew it wouldn't be a waste, and it wasn't.
This time if I went solo, I feel it would be a waste.
Heck, even with someone else, it might be a waste, but I just kinda know that without someone else it's guaranteed to be a waste.
I feel awful.
I feel terrible.
But I am going to find a way to get through this.