I do get tilted in TFT when I look at every single enemy player, make sure they're not running my comp, see that nobody is running it, and then midway through the game, start to lose because someone who WASN'T RUNNING THE COMP, midway through the game, suddenly decides to SWITCH to your comp, and because they're competing for it, you can't complete your comp, and then you lose as a direct result of their switch...MULTIPLE. GAMES. IN. A. ROW.
Especially when they go on to themselves win using MY FREAKIN COMP, which they STOLE from me, in the MIDDLE OF THE GAME. Because of course their comp can win the game--it was MY FREAKIN COMP, and most of the time, I am running comps which I know are strong and can win so NATURALLY they can win once they STEAL my comp. Because I was building a comp to win the game.
It's bloody ridiculous.
And drives me to keep playing more games than I had intended to.
I wanted to play one game, then be done.
I've played, it's had to be like six, eight games.
And. it. keeps. happening. every. single. game.
If I lost using a unique comp that I was the only one running, no big deal. I put my all into it, and with no excuses, just lost.
But that hasn't happened.
So I keep going.