It's not that it's too painful to stand up straight. (I mean it is, but that's not the problem.) It's that it is literally physically impossible. As in I am sending the command to do so to my body and my body refuses to obey. And even using my hands to manually shift my body into that position, I can only stretch things out so far before the physical resistance of my body becomes too great for them to push further.
So I am sore, sore. That means it was a good workout though! I've...mostly wasted today. I did some art for the first time today (the Ruby image I've been working on), but whatever genius techniques I was going to implement, I've forgotten and can't track down. (This might be a time where having obsessive self-admitted-somewhat-stalkerish girlfriends can be of use since I'm sure that even if I told them not to track it down they would anyway. Just for the record, I neither consider it stalking nor would I ask them to try.)
Ah well. It's still going along somewhat-nicely. I've got ideas, just different ones most likely. What I'm really hoping to do here above all else is to preserve the lineart from the original. This means using an airbrush and using a small (very small) size which can be expanded as if making multiple pencil strokes. (There may be an actual brush for this; I say airbrush but assume I mean 'tool which can function in a way not giving a solid line'.)
I also want to have really competent lighting/shading going on. It's easy for me to screw that up and usually I'm just randomly throwing it on. I don't think that I can manage to implement a full realistic look. First I'd have to track down a lighting tutorial. Then I'd have to modify their techniques if they use specific program ones I can't replicate. Then I'd actually have to apply it to my own image, since I wouldn't be copying them; I'd be making my own stuff up. So I don't think I can do that.
What I might be able to do is, because my art is at least partially animesque (among other stylistic influences at least), implement some standard lighting effects which are reasonably easy to do. They largely involve just applying the same color in a lighter/darker shade to an area of the hair, to give some greater contrast. I'll play around with it a bit to see if I can pull that off, though I'm not quite to that point yet.
Hmm...anything else? Not really that I can think of. Today has largely been a waste. Aside from spending time with my lovelies. <3