But...it was French Toast!
For supper.
I think I had six or seven pieces.
...Totally worth it.
Anyway, yesterday I didn't get a lot of work done on Red Hood Rider, mainly because my sister invited me to watch Psycho Pass with her...and we did. Eight episodes' worth. But I did do some, and have done quite a lot today. I've got basically every detail I need for a coherent story; at this stage, it's simply writing it all out explicitly as to make sure there's consistency. (I already caught at least one error, that being, the name of Vili's spirit totem. Originally, it was Divine Bolt, but now, I kinda favor Shooting Star--it carries the same meanings but moreso except in the case of the electricity connection which requires a bit of InsaneTrollLogic to exist but which I have all the same.)
So off to work on the notefinishing I go!