To be blunt, I'm basically only typing something up right now because this is a daily blog so should update every day. I just...really don't have anything to say right now. I'm in that zone where I'm just kinda wasting away.
I'm doing stuff, and thinking stuff. Important things. It's just that they're not translating into long-term things like making a blog. They just sorta pass by. So I'm here, rather uninspired, basically wanting to go to bed, thus why I'm frankly not going to post it tonight.
It takes about five minutes to rev the internet up into working condition to post this, and that's five minutes I'd rather spend in bed right now. I know I sound grumpy right now, maybe I am, maybe I'm just a little bit bitter in life, but it's mainly just an overall feeling of...well, it's hard to describe.
Like the feeling that there's nothing ahead when there should be, I suppose. Not sure how to word it. That's the best phrasing I've got.
Butyeah. Sorry. Said it at the very beginning of the blog, you could expect anything, and a post which is in a negative tone like this comes with the package sometimes. (Sucks being human and admitting I'm at a low, but I am.)
(Editing note: I entered into a downward spiral that caused me to seek immediate help on Thursday as a substitute for blogging that day, thus why this didn't get posted then. I experienced technical difficulties the day after that, which have lasted until now, preventing the entry from being posted until today.)