Butyeah. So I would like to talk about League a little then. So I did a custom game where I had five bots on the enemy team and four bots on my team, all easy. This was mostly a test of build, to see how viable it'd be. But I also took the opportunity to try and practice attack-moving. (Which I believe I have bound to my f key.) I ended up by happenstance laning against Garen and Leona, which is actually a good lane to practice against since Garen has the ability to run me down ridiculously easily and Leona has easy engage.
So I was actually getting good practice in forcing myself to play smart, engage intelligently, disengage well, kite out my opponents, and such. Obviously. They're beginner bots. Obviously. There's no jungler to gank me or gank for me. It was an isolated 2v2, more like 1v2 because the Renekton who was with me I swear was bugged, past a certain point, just standing in the same spot and not even autoattacking, just repeatedly letting himself be executed by minions, never backing, never attacking, never doing anything.
So obviously. Not as good practice as going against actual players, but I wasn't trying to get practice in for the skills. Thanks to the lane I was in by sheer happenstance, I got actual practice in for those skills--the way the bots were playing was in many instances not far from how players would play. They obviously made some plays which were things no human player would make, and that gave me advantages I'd lack in a real game, but during the times they were acting like players, I got good practice on skills that are good to actually get practice on.
But anyway. Why I did this was something which should be obvious enough; it's the only environment where I can try to test full builds, in an environment that is not a 1v1 against a single bot player in the practice tool. It takes the same time as in a real game, and unlike against PvE matches against bots, *I* would control when the game ends rather than my teammates deciding to speedrun the game in 15-25 minutes. (People who play games against bots aren't looking to try and get full builds, they're looking to play games as fast as is humanly possible.)
It's the only environment where I can take time to test out full builds, see how they might work in an actual game. In this case, I tested out the build I mentioned before. Rageblade first item on my lifesteal runes (and, yes, this was a huge powerspike; Garen-Leona were actually ahead of me and forcing me to play defensively until I got the rageblade at which point I was able to consistently push them away), with Mobi Boots, into Blade of the Ruined King, then Spirit Visage, then Runaan's Hurricane, finishing with Bloodthirster as my final item. Forgoing Sanguine Blade because in that game I was almost never in an isolated 1v1.
I could've spent more time in the jungle farming jungle camps which would obviously be isolated, but I mean...I don't do that in real matches, and this was meant to be me testing out how the build would work in a theoretical actual match. To test the best build order, to test the viability of it in theory even if against actual players it'd be much harder to execute in reality.
Conclusion: the build is actually really easy to pull off. Yeah, I probably am not getting to the point of a Bloodthirster in an actual match, but Rageblade and Blade of the Ruined King are the only expensive items in the build and they are the first two I'd aim for. Boots of Mobility are some of the cheapest tier two boots; Runaan's Hurricane is, what, 2600? Spirit Visage is only 2800.
The core build is online at 7300 gold total--mobi boots, Rageblade, BotRK. For comparison, Essence Reaver-Trinity Force (the meta two-item power spike for Ashe to get 40-45% cdr) costs a comparable 7033 gold, with no boots--throw in the traditional Berserkers Greaves, and that's bumped up to 8133 (or, with magical footwear, a cheaper 7833).
It's not the cheapest possible two-item plus boots power spike. Infinity Edge plus Statikk Shiv plus Berserkers Greaves is 7100--6800 with magical footwear. BotRK plus Runaan's Hurricane plus Berserkers is also cheaper, at 7000--6700 with magical footwear. Those are a few item build options I can think of off the top of my head, there's probably other orders you can build items in, but I'm not going to track them down and list all of their prices.
What I'm getting at, is that while it might be not the absolute cheapest three-item-slot spike, it's still one of the cheaper ones, and yet is easily achievable and gives a notable edge that transitions easily into the rest of the build. Because the rest of the build, with the exception of the final item of Bloodthirster (which I honestly think isn't needed unless the game is going super late), is super cheap.
Unless your team or (more likely in my case) the enemy team snowballs, in which case you probably only get 7ishk gold in the game. Unless the game ends quickly one way or another. Usually. Games go into the range of ~12-15k gold. 11-13 if you're doing poorly like I do, 13-16 if you're doing well like I can have in my best moments. 7300 + 2800 = 10,100--even in the worst of games, doable. Add in 2600 to that, 12,700, not going to be doable in every game, but doable in most games.
Bloodthirster is a costly extra 3500 to that, 16200 (and adding in an elixir of wrath for 500 extra per elixir), which is...I mean in a long long game and/or a game where you're csing exceptionally well/getting lots of kills/etc., but most of the time you're never gonna get it. So I mean. You're not going to get the full full build here.
But 5/6 of the items for it? Almost every game you can pull it off.
Now I do need to stress, 'can', not necessarily should, because I mean. Troll build, building for fun not to win, and even troll builds can use adaption on the fly to changing circumstances and whatnot. Butstill. I think the build works well for what it is. Every lifesteal rune possible, plus those items, with flexibility built in.
I really want to try it out in a real game, but that requires specific circumstances. Can't have other obligations, can't be multitasking, and most of all, must be in the mood for it. I don't really get tilted (I'm the one who usually causes my teammates to get tilted, so I really can't blame anyone other than myself for screwups), so it's not something I'd have trouble handling ingame. So I really want to try it against an actual real opponent. Maybe repeatedly.
If it has so much as half the potential which I think it could, it'll be fun and yet still semieffective. As effective as I'd be in any game at least. (Which is to say, sometimes making reasonable plays but most of the time not.)
Mind you, one thing I do need to practice: conservation of mana. I kept running out in my practice, but it's an issue I'm aware of so I can fix it.