Like right now, how holding two quarters makes me think of my telekinetic character from one of my big-time stories, whose powers were made partially from envisioning two coins as being arm-diameter thin blades, launched from a glove, that he'd use his powers to control. (And by proxy, I've also thought of his companions, M the telepath and Moses the hydromancer, and simultaneously, thought of the tower defense game based off of Disease, the story he's from.)
Also, talking about my younger sister, who is attending college. (She does a lot there, like a bunch of singing.) She just did Humans vs. Zombies, and survived until ~2 minutes before the end of the final mission, going on a suicide mission with nothing to lose. (The game had zero survivors for good reason.) She apparently throughout the week foiled the lead zombie, known as a magnificent bastard, and one time, she was near him and he said, "...You!" She's also second-in-command of a team, so she's clearly competent at surviving; this is her second time living to the final mission.
I also learned something about her, from my mom in casual conversation: she had (or maybe has--I believe it was implied past tense, but hard to tell) a boyfriend, at least, had one during spring quarter. I know she's the only kid in our family who's super-social (my older siblings have but a small circle of friends, and that's it; I have none as the least), and she's in college where this sort of thing happening is a normal, natural thing. Yet it's still a surprise to me. Not because of anything about her, mind you; if any of us were going to have a significant other, she would be my guess. It's more of a, "how'd I not know this?" kind of surprise.
...Not that I'm one to talk. My family thinks I waste all my time doing nothing. Admittedly, I waste more time than I should doing things that have no value whatsoever. But what they don't realize is that I also do a fair share of healthy activities, such as making friends and creating a future life for me, plus getting my feelings out always helps.
That's not even going into my much larger secret. They have no clue, in large part thanks to the steps I take to hide my trans status, but they'd at absolute minimum feel at least the same as what I described. (However, due note that's the absolute best-case scenario. The worst discussed in a separate blog post, because it goes into the darker aspects of my life.)
Anyway, yeah, this outtage is highly-annoying. Widespread, on a weekend, at night, so no power = no internet for quite a while. (DIGITAL EDIT: Turned out that power came back early next morning, but internet didn't come back until after I was home from square dancing. But that's for my SUNDAY blog post.) Worse, though, is that this is (well, was--just turned past midnight as I was writing this sentance) Saturday...meaning I need to go through the pain of looking up every anime show that I missed, and now need to watch.
Soyeah. While this entry may be posted on Sunday, it's a Saturday entry. (That's why I missed a day by appearances, but I didn't because I still WROTE the blog; I just was unable to POST it.) Meaning I might not get a Sunday entry until after midnight, i.e., technically Monday. (SUNDAY EDIT: Given that I'm typing this up near midnight, my prospects of finishing the RATHER-lengthy entry for today before then are...rather grim, especially given my errands.)
Should mention I also worked out today, which I was supposed to do yesterday, but the dagger-drills replaced it. (I'll give you an update Sunday on how I feel.) So, I needed chocolate milk, like I always need after a workout. Coincidentally, with an oversight that meant no refrigerated cider, my brother and sister poured into their teacups......chocolate milk. (Worth mentioning is that family night is essentially to bring my separated family back together, since my brother moved out and my younger sister is living near campus while attending college.)
Butyeah. Power outtage, kind of sucks. Really messes with plans. Even with a generator, the number of inconveniences is high. (We did finish the movie, at least!) Probably more stuff happened (always does--I'm an amateur for a reason), but I got nuthin'. (SUNDAY EDIT: Well, I do now, but it'll be in the following entry, since I'm preserving this one as much as possible. Also, ironically enough, the lost entry would have been lost if not for copy-paste thanks to Weebly wacking things up again.)